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I know my username and password, but I can't log in?


You should pay special attention to the following tips:

  • Passwords are cAse sEnsiTive. Check if your CAPS LOCK isn't on.
  • Check if there aren't any spaces before and after your password. If you are trying to copy/paste the password, there may be invisible characters in the text, try to enter it manually.

Explanation of error messages:

Unkown username
The username you entered does not exist in our system. It is also possible that the username has been deleted by our administrators due to violation of terms of service of Kinkypeepz.
Account disabled
The account has been disabled by administrator. This usually happens due to violation of our terms of service.
Username and password do not match
There is a mistake in either your username or password. This message means that we were able to find the username in our system, but the password you provided did not match the one we have on file. You can try to recover your password if you keep getting this error.
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Article details
Article ID: 71
Category: Technical
Date added: 2013-01-11 05:45:47
Views: 382
Rating (Votes): Article rated 4.4/5.0 (26)

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